Your talent is likely one that someone else shares. You may already have a group of friends or colleagues who enjoy creating goods and/or services that are profitable. What if you collaborated and increased your hobby-based business income?
Collaborations happen all the time. If you’ve seen an influencer on social media shouting the praises of a product, you are witnessing collaboration. Why not add your goods and services to their list of things to rave about?
Here are some fun ways to collaborate and help your hobby-based business earn more money and reach more people:
Gift an influencer with best product. Research social media influencers for people you know, like, and trust. Develop a friendship by engaging with them and introducing them to your product. If they express interest, send them a gift in the mail and expect them to shout out their love and refer you via their social media platform.
Offer affiliate opportunities. While influencers and other online marketing business owners might love a sample of your goods or services, most are making their hobby a source of income, too. That means there may need to be a fiscal benefit for them to share your goods and services. Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to help them make money while they promote your hobby-based business. Offer a percentage of all sales made through their links as an incentive to promote you.
Cross promotion. Collaborating with like-minded hobby-based business owners is a great way to cross-promote. Being able to extend their goods and services to your tribe of loyal customers as well as being introduced to theirs is a win-win. You can really make things fun using blogging, vlogging, and creating social media to show how much you love one another and your goods and services.
Be a guest. Whether it’s on a podcast, guest blogging, guest vlogging, or creating a checklist or how-to for someone with an audience, being a guest on their platform is an easy way to collaborate. Often, you only need to do a “one-and-done” activity to reach a very large audience. This is a lot of return for your time.
Hobby-based businesses are a hot ticket these days. Thanks to the love of DIY and social media, there are more ways than ever to meet people who do what you love as well as want to buy what you have. Collaborating is a wonderful way to make friends and provide goods and services to a market that wants to buy. Take the time to cultivate friendships and encourage collaboration so everyone is getting what they want and need from your hobby.