Once you have products to promote, primarily if you’ve also written and published a book (eBook or print book), getting speaking gigs that can boost your income, spread your reach, and solidify you as an industry expert is often seen as the next step. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of this business model that you might want to think about as well as some tips to help you succeed if you choose to go this route.
Getting Prepared to Speak
If you would like to take your business to the next level, speaking at events can do that for you. If you really want to do this, start getting prepared now instead of waiting until you’re asked to speak. If you are growing your business, networking, going to events, and doing things, you will eventually be asked. It’s best to be ready.
Think about what your basic talk would be like if you were to do it right now. If you can craft that basic speech or talk now, and then upgrade it and personalize it for each audience you speak in front of, that will make it go a lot smoother for you.
Selling Yourself Live
One thing that is great about speaking at live events is that you can usually promote your product or service. Often, it’s your most expensive product, and even selling it to one person at the event could make it worthwhile to do the speaking engagement even if you’re not directly paid.
Benefits of Unpaid Gigs
Some events do not pay you directly for speaking. In fact, there are many events that you’ll still have to buy a ticket for even if you speak at them. However, that doesn’t mean they are not worthwhile endeavors. It might even be a good thing to speak at these events for free in order to perfect your public talk before you go into paid gigs. Normally if you don’t get paid, you do get to promote your products freely during the entire event.
Finding Events
In order to find the events, you can look up events in your local area, ask your networking groups, and use Google search and alerts to ensure you don’t miss any event that is talking to your audience. Remember, you don’t want an event that’s for your education but one that has an audience that needs your knowledge.
Making the Most of the Event
Once you have been invited to speak, remember to make the most of the event. Don’t just show up at your speaking time. Go to as many of the other speaker’s talks as possible. Be an enthusiastic participant in between speakers, too, during breaks. Go to the after-hours events; talk to and network with everyone there.
Speaking is a great way to boost your credibility, be an authority in your field, and make more money. People who go to these types of events are typically ready to buy something before they even go. Therefore, be prepared, know the audience, and go for it.