Sometimes there are only so many products you can make and ways you can sell goods and services. Over time your hobby makes you an expert… and that has value. Teaching is an awesome way to benefit others and make money.
Most hobbies can be taught in multiple ways. The great thing about teaching is there are so many platforms out there to reach students and share your expertise. Here are a few:
Hold online classes – From a pre-recorded webinar to a live interactive classroom, you can easily teach to audiences all over the world – making it possible to reach an unlimited number of people.
Hint: If you choose a live classroom setting, you can record the class and sell the replay to the students or as a stand-alone option for even more income.
Host a YouTube channel – Thanks to YouTube, you can teach unlimited content and post it for free. People can subscribe and follow you, so they are notified each time you upload new content. While you may not make money directly from uploading a YouTube video, you can monetize your channel in many creative ways. Need to get started on YouTube? Check out our guide to YouTube!
Become an influencer – An influencer is someone who uses social media to make an impact and influence others with their content. The influence is based on reach and how many people follow and take action on your “posts” or content. Influencers use video and other visual and audio methods to teach their expertise to a worldwide audience.
Host a retreat – One of the most intimate ways to teach serious students is by hosting a retreat. Usually done in fun locations over multiple days, hosting a retreat not only allows for teaching but it creates a fun way to get to know your students better. There are many ways to augment your teaching and add to the experience and options for creating income.
Be a guest teacher – Collaborating with others is a great way to guest-teach a wide audience. Being a guest often means you have very little promotion work to do, which saves time and money. It can also create ways for you to find bigger, better ways to collaborate and make more money from your hobby-based business.
Once you’ve become an expert at a hobby, teaching may be the next logical step to reaching more people and making more money. Finding creative and fun ways to teach others is fulfilling and rewarding. Consider teaching as an alternative to making goods and services in your hobby-based business.